Wednesday, November 16, 2011

LinuxCBT- Awk and Sed Video Tutorials

Awk & Sed are critical to efficiently parsing textual data (log file contents, data feeds, file & directory listings, etc.). Awk provides field (Column) processing and reporting, whereas Sed facilitates streams (Automated Text Editing) processing. Both support interactive and non-interactive (scripted) execution.


* Introduction - Features
o Discuss course outline
o Explore system configuration
o Identify key systems to be used
o Install the Bluefish graphical editor - Supports POSIX and PERL-compatible RegExes
o Discuss features common and distinct to: Awk and Sed
* Regular Expressions Review
o Enumerate important metacharacters
o Provide examples of quatinfier usage
o Apply simple character classes to searches
o Perform searches in the Bluefish editor using literals and metacharacters
o Explain and apply anchors: '^', '$'
* Intro to Sed - Stream Editor
o Discuss features and applications
o Explain general usage syntax
o Print specific lines from input
o Delete specific lines from input
o Match streams using RegExes
o Search for ranges of text using line numbers and text ranges
o Save transformed output
* Sed - Search & Replace
o Discuss features and applications
o Discuss Left-hand and Righ-hand side (LHS | RHS) sections in search & replace actions
o Acquire input from: STDIN, PIPES and Files and transform according to criteria
o Backup and overwrite source files using Sed one-liners
o Perform substitutions based on matched addresses
o Reuse matched strings in replacement output
o Perform text substitutions across multiple files
o Perform multiple replacements in one command
o Apply substitutions globally across all matches
* Sed - Scripts
o Discuss features and applications
o Explain general usage syntax
o Create script to remove blank lines from input stream
o Create script to make general substitutions
o Perform case-insensitive replacements via Sed script
o Insert strings into desried location in the input stream via Sed script
o Strip trailing numeric values from input stream via Sed script
o Apply changes to multiple files
o Save scripts for reuse
* Intro to Awk - Field Processor & Reporter
o Discuss features and benefits
o Explain general usage syntax
o Print full lines from input
o Print desired fields from input
o Match patterns using RegExes
o Control the input field | column delimiters
o Save output
* Awk - Scripts
o Discuss features and benefits
o Explain structure of Awk scripts
o Implement BEGIN and END blocks
o Parse system files using Awk script
* Awk - Variables
o Discuss features and applications
o Enumerate and discuss key Awk system variables
o Increment counters based on matched patterns using Awk
o Explain variable concatenation
o Explore arrays (lists of values)
o Create arrays using the split function
* Awk - Operators
o Discuss features and applications
o Explore Boolean and Relational operators
o Discuss looping strategies
o Evaluate conditional testing using system variables
o Evaluate results
* Awk - Process Records
o Discuss features and benefits
o Define and evaluate multiple input field separators with files with mixed delimiters
o Normalize output by controlling the Output Field Separator (OFS)
o Extract records from system file and evaluated
o Account for number of processed and matched records in END block
* Awk - Print Formatting
o Discuss features and applications
o Compare and contrast 'print' and 'printf' output formatting
o Discuss 'printf' supported data types
o Evaluate 'printf' application in reporting
* Awk & Sed - Various Examples
o Discuss features and applications
o Parse and cleanup HTML and PHP files with Sed & Awk
o Replace values in system file with Awk
o Evaluate results
* Awk & Sed - Win32
o Discuss features and benefits
o Download and install Awk & Sed for Win32
o Transfer Linux files to Windows
o Test various parsing and substitution on Linux files
o Evaluate results

# Sed - File Name Transformations - Batch
* Enumerate poorly-named files for transformation
* Identify key replacement strings for regular expressions match
* Define and apply regular expressions for transformations
* Transform prefixes and suffixes
* Evaluate results
# Awk - E-Mail Address Parsing
* Generate sample data set
* Define regular expressions patterns for transformation
* Transform sample data
* Evaluate results






Password: tahaa@g4m30v3r123

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