Friday, September 9, 2011

Cylonlive Java Tutorials CDs

Cylonlive Java Tutorials CDsISO | 292 MB
Java is a general-purpose and object-oriented programming language that runs on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Using Java, we can write Stand-alone programs called applications and web based programs called applets. Java technology has special feature that run the same application from any kind of machine such as -a PC, a network computer, an embedded system, a mobile phone and so on.
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Lesson PlansTips & TricksSelf AssessmentsBookmark ListQ & AAsk Your QueriesGlossary
Duration Status ABL Exercise Views Notes Rating
Author Mentoring
Audience for this Course 01:48 40
Job Roles and Job Opportunities 03:04 30
Pre-requisite Knowledge and Skills 01:22 32
Inspire with Java 02:45 21
Fundamentals of Java
History of Java 03:35 32
What is Java? 02:40 30
Why do we learn Java? 04:25 30
Whats new in Java SE 6? 04:23 19
Migration from C & C++ to Java 04:24 12
Course Objective 04:50 17
Setting up the Environment for Java
Checklist for Java Installation 02:40 31
Step by step Installation Process 05:48 45
Developing Environment 05:48 44
Troubleshooting 02:04 15
An Overview of Java
Object-Oriented Programming concepts 02:24 54
Java is a Platform Independent Language 03:00 22
Explaining the First Java Program 04:58 57
Executing the First Java Program 02:42 48
Essential for Java Programming
What are “Data Types”? 04:20 37
What are Variables? 04:37 28
What are Operators? 05:35 16
What is “Type Casting”? 03:20 18
Creating Arrays 05:28 25
Control Statements
If-else & Nested-If statement 05:37 36
Switch statement 04:39 17
For Loop & For-Each Loop 05:42 17
While & Do-while Loop 05:43 18
Classes and Objects
What are Class and its features? 03:15 35
What are Object and its features? 04:16 39
Creating a Method 03:18 37
Access Specifiers 02:55 23
What is “final” and its uses? 03:05 23
Inner Class 03:00 19
A Closer Look at Methods
Method with & without return type 03:41 20
Method with single & multiple parameters 04:10 16
Static Method 02:56 12
Recursion 02:35 12
Method Overloading 03:26 13
What is Constructor and its Types? 03:06 21
Initializing an Object using Constructor 02:26 16
Constructor Overloading 01:55 11
Role of Garbage Collection in Java 03:02 8
Basics of Inheritance 02:50 12
Method Overriding 02:20 10
Use of ‘this’ keyword 04:02 10
Use of ‘super’ keyword 04:46 7
Achieving Multilevel Inheritance 03:52 4
Packages & Interface
Defining a Package 03:33 6
Java built-in Packages (API) 02:50 3
What are Interfaces? 04:22 5
What is Abstract Class? 03:10 6
Interface Vs Abstract Class 02:05 3
Exception Handling
Understanding the Exception Handling 03:45 5
Using try and catch block 03:02 5
Nested try and Multiple catch blocks 04:12 2
Throw, Throws and Finally 03:45 3
Custom Exceptions 03:25 3
Multithreading Concepts
What are Thread and its Life cycle? 04:30 5
Extending Thread Class 04:00 3
Implementing Runnable Interface 03:25 2
Creating Multiple Threads 02:45 3
Thread Synchronization 04:20 3
Using isAlive( ) and join( ) 03:40 4
String Handling
String class 02:32 7
Working with String Class Constructor 03:00 8
Working with String Methods 03:46 5
StringBuffer Class 03:18 4
Working with StringBuffer Methods 04:10 4
Exploring Java Applet
Basic of Java Applet 02:32 9
Life Cycle of an Applet 04:05 5
Creating the First Java Applet 03:20 8
Executing the First Java Applet 01:42 6
An Applet HTML Tags and its Attributes 03:45 4
Java.lang Package
Overview of java.lang Package 03:35 4
Class and Object classes 04:00 3
Wrapper Classes 04:25 4
IO Package
Overview of package 02:05 10
DataInputStream Class 04:03 19
DataOutputStream Class 04:26 7
FileReader Class 04:05 5
FileWriter Class 03:44 2
Overview of java.nio package & Buffer Class 04:48 3
Charset Class 03:01 3
Channels Class 02:40 2
Useful Tools in the java.util Package
Overview of java.util package 02:38 2
Set Interface 02:20 3
Map Interface 03:42 2
Iterator Interface 03:15 4
Calendar Class 03:44 2
Date Class 02:40 4
ArrayList Class 04:14 4
Vector Class 04:00 3
AWT Package
Overview of java.awt Package 02:55 3
AWT Controls 02:06 3
Using Label, Text Field and Button classes 06:58 5
Using Check box and Radio button classes 05:02 2
Using Layout Managers 04:44 6
Event Handling
Overview of Event-Handling 04:02 5
ActionListener Interface 04:15 5
KeyEvent Class 04:07 3
MouseEvent Class 02:30 3
Java Foundation Classes – Swing
Introduction to Swing & JApplet Class 03:20 7
AWT Vs Swing 02:30 8
Using Tables 05:42 4
Working with Menu 06:40 5
Graphics Programming
Adding Graphics into Applet 05:32 7
Coloring Applet 03:10 7
Font Class 03:10 5
Importing Images 04:46 6
Network Programming
Overview of Package 02:12 5
The InetAddress Class 03:12 4
Socket Class 04:15 3
URL Class 04:09 2
JDBC and JavaBeans
Overview of JDBC -The DriverManager Class 03:13 4
The Connection Interface 01:53 2
Database Access through JDBC 04:22 3
Creating and Executing the Statement 02:44 2
Sample JDBC Program 05:03 4
Concepts of JavaBeans 03:54 1
JAR Files, JAR Commands & Manifest File



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